Friday, August 19, 2005

Never Stop Doing Lunge Drills

Wow. I've been busy. I did get more sleep last week and this week too. I've been heading to bed around 9:30 and leaving at 6. I did abs three days in a row this week, weights and swimming on Tuesday this week, and haven't done much except running since. Work has been piled high. On this week's Monday, I decided to do drills after my strides, and add on a few lunges at the end. I am STILL sore from Monday, although I think I'll be recovered tomorrow. Oh man, I really need to do drills and lunges consistently, so I don't get these awful sore sessions where for a half week I waddle around and get stiff if I sit for more than 10 minutes.

I ran 61.25 miles last week, and I'm on track for 67 this week. That number was aided by a 15 mile run on Sunday, which is 2 miles longer than I had ever run before! It was a great run too. Very few stoplights, lots of friendly bicyclists, cool air and rolling hills were awesome bonuses. I think I'll keep at 65 for the bulk of the season, until we are supposed to start tapering.

My first 5k race is this weekend. I'm not expecting anything spectacular, as I am pretty run down from my lifetime highest mileage week. I would like to do 21:something, but I'll more likely be in the 22s. I know that if I keep training through this, I'll be low 20s at least by the end of the season. Then, I can build on that for track(read steeple chase training or 3ks) season and then Cross Country again, where I hope to be in the low 19s.

I talked to a bunch of people about swimming training, looked at the local Masters Swimming websites and decided to buy a bunch of swimming books instead of joining. My reasoning is that my pool is free at work, I already have a pretty good stroke that I just need to tweak, and I think these books will work for giving me workouts to do. If not, I can join a swim club for a month or so and get some feedback. I'm just not willing to pay $600+ for the year to use another pool and have workouts made for me. I'm liking my $50 route for right now.

This week I've tried to recruit co-workers to join me in Epee training in November. I have a few nibbles, but no sure volunteers. I haven't asked Matt yet. *evil grin*

Morning Weight: 146
Miles Today: 4
Other Exercise: None
Total Miles this Week: 55.75

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