Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wente Vineyards RR 2008

My first real bike race ever, and I was so nervous my hands were shaking. Someone mentioned at the line that I'd feel better once we started. Unfortunately, I haven't ridden in a pack like that with my new bike and the nerves became worse so that my bike was wobbly too. I just sat at the very back for the first mile or so, and then moved up before the first turn.

I'd practiced this course a few weeks prior and new that the next turn was a huge grade-shift. Several ladies passed by to get a better position. When we started up the hill, I got stuck behind a much slower gal and more of the pack passed me as I tried to get around her. Finally able to pedal freely, the leaders continued to pick up the pace and I was dropped about 3 miles into the 35 mile race. A few of us got together and traded pulls to get back on, but we weren't strong enough. I attacked the front and no one followed. It looked like it was going to be a 30-mile time trial.

About half-way through the first lap, I passed a couple gals in my race. One caught up with me later and we traded pulls until the hill on the second lap, where she was another one of its victims. I think negative-split'ed that hill the three times I climbed it. Next time I race this course, I'll warm up first. I figured I was warmed up because it felt like it was 95 degrees out. Anyway, my soigneur was lovely enough to give me two full water bottles on that hill and I was absolutely grateful. One more lap!

The next lap was the same as the first, except now the older men were passing me and I don't think I passed anyone. Maybe a couple of junior boys. I finished though -- apparently in the middle of all the finishers of my race.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Log: Apr 21 - 27 2008

Mon: Bike to/from work, 30 min treadmill @ 7mph with 8 mins @ 9mph in middle (3.75)
Tue: 29 min run (3.5), Bike to work, 4,3,3 pullups at level 7, 1 at level 5, tri-pulldowns, 3 min abs
Wed: 20 min run (2.25), very tired legs
Thu: Bike to/from work
Fri: 29 min run (3.25), felt great!
Sat: Wente Road Race, 35 miles, 30 mile time trail, pretty much. < 2 hours
Sun: 1 hour run (7)

Run: 19.75 miles
Bike: 122 miles

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Log: Apr 14 - 20 2008

Mon: Bike to/from work
Tue: Bike to/from work, 20 min treadmill (2.25), 2x5 pull-ups at level 7, attempted 1 at level 4 and failed, 5 min abs, 10 girl push-ups
Wed: Bike to work, 3 miles on treadmill
Thu: 30 min spinning class, bike from work
Fri: 30 min run (3.5), walk around complex, bike to/from work
Sat: 60 mile bike ride, Palomares(28:30) and Calaveras (~15)
Sun: DNE

Run: 8.75 miles
Bike: 200 miles

Monday, April 14, 2008

Log: Apr 7 - 13 2008

Mon: Bike to/from work (35 miles)
Tue: Bike to/from work, weights, 1 mile run?
Wed: Lunch run (29 min). PM: Up Palomares (25:03) with Bernhard and Lucia from my place.
Thu: DNE
Fri: 29 minute morning run, bike to/from work
Sat: 45 mile bike ride (3 loops of Wente course) (2:50), yardwork
Sun: 52 minutes "long" run, easy walk along river

Run: 14 miles, I think, probably more.
Bike: 170 miles

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gosling Season!

Hooray! I'm back on the bike. So far, I've commuted to work 3-4 times per week by bicycle. On the way home, I usually see Canadian geese in the back bay along 84. A pair has about five little ones, and they are adorable. Maybe I'll take a camera phone picture.

Speaking of commuting, since I bought a new bike I have a new record. This past week on a windy day, it only took me 56 minutes to get home. Whee!

Today, Bernhard and I rode the Wente road race course three times for a total of 45 miles). I'm proud of myself; It only took 2:49. I'm hoping to race in two weeks, even though I'm not in great shape.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Another injury recovery period

Will I ever get in shape? On Jan 30th I broke both collarbones from a bicycle accident. Fortunately, I didn't have any surgery or scrapes, only a few bruises and a concussion. At 4.5 weeks, I started running, and now I can run 40+ minutes at 8:30 pace. Last week, I picked up a brand new road bike and rode it for the first time on Saturday and then again on Monday and Tuesday of this week. Now my butt just needs to get used to it.

Morning Weight: 146
Miles Today: 4.7 run
Other Exercise: Walk around complex
Total Miles this Week: 7.5 run, 70 bike