Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Results: 2006 Bananaman Chase

Well, that was the fastest I've run for the first mile of a race in a LONG time. Unfortunately, my pace was that much slower the last two miles. The course was slightly different (we essentially ran it backwards). I beat my time from last year by about 50 seconds. The official time had me at 20:17, which is 6:31 pace. My splits were about (6:09, 12:56[6:47], 19:40[6:44]). I didn't feel like I slowed down, but more people passed me than I passed. Of course, the first mile was all downhill... so that could have something to do with it. I was 61st female, 200th overall, 11th in my age group. I was a little bummed that I didn't break 20, but the race was at the end of a hard and high-mileage week. Next year, I guess. Or, maybe I'll run awesomely at Shoreline on Oct 21st. That is my taper week. =)

Morning Weight: 140
Miles Today: 12.75
Other Exercise: 3 minutes abs
Total Miles this Week: 32.75

Log: Sept 17 - 23 2006

Sun: 7 Bananaman Chase 5k, 2.5 wm, 1.5 cd, 4 strides, my time: 20:15 (6:09,12:56[6:45],19:40[6:44]) official time: 20:17
Mon: 11 (96:??) Explored Woodside Hills, Weights. 5min abs
Tues: 7 Warmup/cooldown to/from Stanford track, 4 strides, 6x300 w/ 200 recovery w/ Dave (60, 60, 61, 62, 62, 61)
Weds: 6 (53:30) Lake Loop
Thur: 7 (61:??) Out on ECR and Stanford Ave and back. Turned around at 31 minutes. left hammy still twingeing. Weights. 5min abs
3.5 (31:30) lunch run with Mike out on dirt trail a bit and back.
Fri: DNR
Sat: 7 2.5 wm/2.25 cd 3x5 min w/ 1 min rest, out on Junipero Serra

Total: 48.5

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Log: Sept 10 - 16 2006

I'm going to try to (re)start my running log on here. No food intake. Just athletic endeavors.

Sun:13.25 (120:00) Up to a little past Home rd and Old La Honda rd and back. walked the last quarter mile. Achilles twinged.
Mon:7 ran (limped) in morning for 9 minutes. Went on the elliptical for 50 minutes in the evening. It said I "ran" 7 miles, but my heart rate was around 140 the whole time. level 9, 160+spm (strides per minute) Weights. 4 mins abs.
Tues:9 Warmed up to/from Stanford track long way, 4 strides 11x200 w/ 200 recovery (41,43,43,42,42,41,41,41,40,41,40)
Weds: 7.75 (66:02) Stanford Ave Loop
Thur: 7.75 Ran to/from Stanford track long way, 8 stride the straights/jog the turns. Ran from Chevron after dropping off my car. Weights. 5 mins abs.
.75 Ran to Chevron to pick up car.
Fri: 7 (58:36) out on Sand Hill and back. Almost to parking area on other side of 280. WINDY going out. Turned around at 31:15
4 tried my second run outside (.25 miles), but achilles hurt a bit. Used elliptical for 30 minutes instead. Level 10. 160+spm (strides per minute)
Sat: 4 (??) to Campus Loop turnaround, 1 stride, left hamstring hurt.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Results: 2006 Golden Gate

Stream of consciousness:

59th. An improvement of 22 places. 28:42. An improvement of 1:50 from last year's race and 0:47 from Regionals. So yay! I achieved my goals! I don't have any splits except for the 3 mile, which I ran through in about 21:12. Four miles is LONG, but I'm getting better at it. I had a side stitch in the middle of the race that fortunately disappeared. I wonder if I drank too much water beforehand.

Next week is the Bananaman Chase 5k. I'm going to try to break 20 minutes. Last year I ran 21:05. I want to run 60 miles next week as well, so I may just end up in the low 20s. I'll be training through the races, so I can peak at Nationals and do better than 9th from last.

Morning Weight: 137
Miles Today: 12.5
Other Exercise: Walked around Downtown Menlo
Total Miles this Week: 55.5

Friday, September 08, 2006

First XC race of the 2006 season

Tomorrow I run the 2006 Golden Gate Open. My time last year for the race was 30:32 and my best time (at the championships last year) was 29:29. My goal is to improve my best time. I'm feeling the fittest I've been since being out of school, and it is great. I've been lifting 1-2 times a week and this is the least I've weighed since college. This course can be tricky, but it is two loops of grass and dirt and I'm pretty sure I understand it after running it 3 times. I plan to run the second loop stronger than the first. Right now, I'm debating on whether to use my waffles or my spikes, so I'll probably bring both tomorrow and decide on my warmup. Ready... Race!

Morning Weight: 137.5
Miles Today: 4
Other Exercise: None
Total Miles this Week: 43