Saturday, July 04, 2009

Pozo 5k Race Report -July 4 2009

I guess my attitude toward the Pozo 5k was less race than milestone. I only just started running again at the end of May and Pozo was on July 4th. 6 weeks of 17-31 miles a week and no speed-work resulted in a time that wasn't embarrassing and was a good starting point for improvement, 21:28. Since I hadn't raced a 5k on the road since maybe Pozo 2 years ago, my goal was to start off conservatively and pick it up from there. That is exactly what happened, and I turned in negative splits, possibly for the first time on that course (7:01, 6:57, 6:47). The splits are from the Garmin instead of the chalk markers, so maybe that helped. It was nice for a change to pass the runners who normally pass me after the turn-around.