Monday, August 08, 2005

Modern Pentathlon Intro

So last week, I finally ran 60 miles! Yay! It wasn't overly difficult either -- I'm planning to run another 60+ this week as well. The only thing I flaked on was weights and abs, but I did swim and that was a killer arm workout, and I did most of the CORE class on Friday. This week, my main goal is to sleep at least 8 hours a night (from tonight through the end of the week at least -- I couldn't fall asleep last night). In addition, I hope to swim three times, lift weights twice, and do abs as much as I can.

Last night, I talked to Katherine, my runner friend who lives in Maryland now, and found out she's training for Triathlons again AND a new "event": Modern Pentathlon. I looked it up, and Modern Pentathlons consist of shooting, swimming, fencing, horseback riding and running. I don't do Triathlongs because I stink at biking. However, I feel that I'm good at running and swimming, and I like to think that I'm good at aiming, and I've jumped a horse before, and my boyfriend fences... I don't know... This Modern Pentathlon thing is stuck in my head and it won't leave and it makes me really excited, because I think I can do really well... I told myself that I wouldn't get sucked into fencing, but every time I watch it, I think, "I want to try that," or "hmmm. This is my kind of sport... it seems to be a lot about form and technique." So I may just have an excuse to try fencing with this Modern Pentathlon thing. I'm so glad the blade is Epee. Foil reminds me too much of Chess. I don't want to have to think that hard. ;) Seeing as it is XC season soon, I probably won't start until after. The regional championships are the first weekend in November. I'm half sad that the season is so short this year, but the other half is eager to take some intro fencing lessons. The only thing that I am worried about at this point is that I won't have enough time to do all the sports. Fencing takes up a TON of time, I've noticed, and so does running. Add swimming 4-5 times a week, weights, abs, shooting practice, riding lessons, and working 50 hours a week with potential crunch periods and Saturday workdays, and I'll have a breakdown. At least I think I'll fall apart and drop everything. =( As long as work is OK, I'll be OK, but it isn't looking good from November until April...

Just focus on running and some swimming cross training... The first event that is in the US is in December, and I can only do the Swim/Run races at that meet anyway.

Morning Weight: 148.5
Miles Today: 10.5
Other Exercise: None
Total Miles this Week: 22.5


Anonymous said...

Hi Speedy Samo,
Yesterday I forgot to get your e-mail address. I met Jack Daniels at a coaches conference last winter. Long story short he was a modern pentathlete and went to the Olympics. So, when I got interested in modern pentathlon I e-mailed him. He sent me the skelton for a training program and some other helpful info. It is good stuff, I will e-mail it to you. And, don't get too sucked into the weight thing especially if you are going to be swimming more.

Speedy said...

Katherine, I'm sending you an e-mail. =)