Saturday, February 04, 2006

What a procrastinator - New Week Resolutions

Oh man, it took me forever to catch up to my blog. I'm really going to try to post more often. At the end of the season, I weighed about 145. I got my cast off right after Thanksgiving and proceeded to make the same mistakes I did last year by not waking up early in the morning to go on my runs. It was dark and cold and wet. My bed was warm and dry. That decision-- "I'll run later,"-- seems SO appealing in the morning when you are groggy. Unfortunately, it was still dark and cold and wet when I got home from work and when you are exhausted from working all day, it is just as appealing to have dinner and crash as it is to stay in bed in the morning. Thus, I only ran about 4 days a week in December and the beginning of January. I did run every day when I had time off work though the week after Christmas.

If I weigh myself now, I'm probably 152 or something. =( It is the end of the day... hold on... 154.5 OUCH. Poop.

So, I'm terrible at New Year's Resolutions. I didn't make any this year. On the other hand, I have been making "New Week's Resolutions." Today is the end of the second week. I'm having a great deal of success. A week is so much less daunting than a year. Two weeks ago, my resolution was to wake up every morning and go running. I accomplished that and I'm so proud of myself. I even barely made it to work before 9 almost every morning. (They serve breakfast until 9 at work and then take it away). Last week my resolution was non-athletic related, so I won't post it here, but I still woke up 4 out of 5 days, and my excuse for the morning I didn't run was that I was really sore the day before, not that it was cold and wet. It has helped that the sun is finally rising earlier, the rain is only falling in the afternoon, and the cloud-cover has warmed the mornings. But I digress.

Next week's resolution:
Keep a running/food journal. I will post what I eat, drink and run this next week, Sun-Sat. I'd better behave, huh?

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