Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Lost it at the gym Competition Results

So the results are in. E-mail from the organizer:
Hi Everyone,
I wanted to tell you that the results are FINALLY in –
You were a group of 22 (people who did both weigh ins, we started with 33 in the group!)
These 22 people lost an average of 3.5 pounds in six weeks and a TOTAL of 77.1 pounds!!!
You all did AWESOME!!!
So I know the question on your mind...WHO GOT THE I-POD???
Well we have 2 I-pod shuffles for the 2 biggest losers and they are...drum roll please...
K-- B----- and Sam----- ------! Way to go girls!!
Oh oh oh! That's me! That's me! I can't believe it! I've always wanted an ipod shuffle. Holy cow... Now I just need music to put on the thing. wheee! Whoa. How did someone who probably has the least to lose, win that thing? Looking at the average, it looks like a lot of people didn't lose anything because I lost 12.5 pounds and 1/7th of the total weight and I'm assuming K-- did the same or better than I did. Hm. Whoa.

Morning Weight: 149.5
Miles Today: 11
Other Exercise: Biked to Work
Total Miles this Week: 30.5

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weigh to go =)