Friday, July 15, 2005


I'm just really glad that every day I run, I feel less icky and bonk less drastically. Yesterday, I even ran twice! And, my second run had a hill in it! (Well, I was half-drunk, so maybe I was just numb to the pain. It worked though =) ) I put down 5 miles for today, but I actually haven't run yet. I guess I'm going to have to now...

My gym's "Lose It At The Gym" program ends Monday. 6 weeks ago, I weighed in at ~155 on their scale, which I think is wrong because I weighed myself immediately after on a balance scale at 158. Hopefully, their scale is just as off. I've lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks... not bad... =) I want to weigh in at 143/144 on Monday, but we'll see. The biggest loser gets an ipod shuffle, and I know it can't be me because I'm sure some people lost more than 2 lbs/week, even though it is unheathly to do so. Too bad. I really want one of those. At least the organizer said that if you lose anything you get some sore of prize. =)

Morning Weight: 147.5
Miles Today: 5
Other Exercise: Biked to work
Total Miles this Week: 44

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