Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Oops, I did it again

So Dave and I ran the dish loop again, and we talked pretty much the whole way while maintaining a tempo pace and not pushing overly hard. I was less sore this week than last and my hill strength and speed has improved dramatically. I am slightly sore from running downhill in Rancho San Antonio on Sunday, but it didn't affect the uphills at all and that is where you get your most speed improvements. Anyway, we ran another new record, and we weren't even trying to! Sweet! 26:34. My goal of breaking 26 is looking very attainable now. Maybe we can even break 25 by the end of August, but we'll see.

Morning Weight: 141.5
Miles Today: 6.5
Other Exercise: Spinning Class (moderate), swimming workout 1800yrds
Total Miles this Week: 22.5

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