Monday, December 19, 2005

2005 Folsom - another good race

This was a confidence boost and the first race that I ran fairly even splits. Nobody passed me after 1 mile. With that territory, (and assuming I wasn't dead last, which I wasn't) means that I passed a fair amount of runners the last 2.1 miles. My time, unfortunately, was a disappointment. The course changed from last year and we all assumed it would be faster, but I ran 7 seconds slower. 7 seconds doesn't seem like a lot, but it is a ton if you've been breaking times from last year by at least 30 seconds every race and you think that the new course is faster. That is like running 50 seconds slower than expected. Comparing the results of last year and this year, however, shows that the new course is slower anyway. Hooray! Plus, I finished even higher up in the top 50%. 22:05

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