Thursday, September 01, 2005

Banished to the Treadmill

Wow. So my hamstring finally felt better today. Yesterday, I was running to the track and it wasn't feeling good at all. So, I turned around grudgingly and got in the car, drove to the gym, and did the rest of my warm-up on the treadmill. The treadmill felt excellent, so I figured out how to program the equivalent of 2x(4x400) w/ equal time recovery and I was set! I did my second run on the treadmill too. That made all the difference to my hammy. Yay! I'm so glad I didn't have to do my workout on the elliptical. I really need to find an emergency pool I can go to that has a deep-end for injuries. My gym's pool doesn't get any deeper than 4 feet.

Camp is this weekend. I'm preparing to get left in the dust, drink a lot and try to avoid the sweets. I won't have the s'mores. Nope. Oh yeah. And run a lot too.

Morning Weight: 144.5
Miles Today: 8.5
Other Exercise: None
Total Miles this Week: 48

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